------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains 433 modem test firmware distribution package. Firmware can be used to test device functionality and working condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snapshot package content: ChangeLog.txt - Firmware changes log. Licence.txt - Firmware end user licence. Readme.txt - this document. m433-test-fw-GPL-sources.tar.bz2 - firmware source code. firmware/m433-test-fw.ihx - ihx format file. This file can be deployed with bootload.py. firmware/m433-test-fw.hex - hex format file. This file can be deployed with cc-tool and SmartRF Flash Programmer. tooling/install-user-code.sh - use code update script used by make install tooling/etc/ ... / 20-433-modem.rules - udev rules tooling/SmartRF-Studio-7 - SmartRF Studio configuration files for reference testing and trials. Firmware authenticity can be verified by comparing checksums. Reference checksums are published in Vecly web page or provided via e-mail by request. -- Vecly OÜ info(at)vecly.com